Sunday, May 25, 2014

Guardian Revizer 160SB Unboxing, by Takara Tomy!

The Guardian Revizer is in Takara Tomy Zero G series, it is comparable and mixable with the Shogun Steel beyblades by Hasbro.

In this set they have included the Zero G Compact Launcher, I do like how the rip cord makes the beyblades spin faster than the regular rippers, however the design of this launcher is very poor in my opinion, it is way too small to hold onto and the shape of it makes it very uncomfortable. The cool thing is that it has the beyblade tools built into it, so there is no need for the tool at all.

The Guardian Revizer is the Takara Tomy counter part of the Guardian Leviathan for Hasbro, the beyblades look very similar, except that this beyblade does come with stickers, which I always love!! I do recommend to put the stickers on the beyblade before you put it together, sometimes its harder to put them on once its together, especially if the Metal and the Clear Wheels have lots of grooves on them.

I don't think this bey is any better or worse than the Hasbro version, so I would not go out of my way to get this if I already had the Hasbro one. Since I'm a collector, I am glad that I did have it, but if you are looking at getting a Japanese beyblade, go for something that you cannot find a duplicate here for.

This beyblade is a defense bey and it can stand its ground for a long time. 

Details of the beyblade:

Stone Face - Revizer

Chromium Wheel - Revizer

Crystal Wheel - Guardian

Track - 160, High

Bottom - SB, Sharp Ball

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Burn Phoenix 135MS Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy.

I'm back with yet another unboxing and review from Takara Tomy. This time it is going to be Burn Phoenix! This beyblade is really cool looking, its clear wheel is bright orange and the metal wheels has the words " Burn Wheel" on it. This is the only beyblade that I've seen that has actual writing on the metal wheel, so pretty cool.

In this set they have included the light launcher, this one is one of my least favorite ones, only because it is so small, which makes it really hard to hold onto and get a good rip. The rip cord on the other hand is better than the Hasbro versions, they are a lot longer, which makes it for a faster rotating beyblade. What I did is I combined the rip cord from this set with the regular Hasbro launcher and it worked like a dream, this way you get the best of both worlds.

Burn Phoenix has a very unusual performance tip (or bottom as they call it on the box), it is made of plastic, with the exception of the very tip of it, its made of medal is is super sharp. Unlike any other beyblade that I have. This bey is a stamina type and it does really well in battles,  I would say that it is definitely worth getting as part of your collection. It is in the Hybrid Wheel series, so you can customize these beyblades and make them stronger or cooler as you wish.

Check out my YouTube video below to see how it spins and what the parts look like.

Thanks so much for reading, make sure you sign up for e-mails and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can keep up with any new beyblades that I get and new battles that I come up with.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pirate Orochi, Guardian Leviathan and Pirate Kraken Water Team Beyblade Unboxing!!!

This time I have a three beyblade set to show you guys, I'm so excited about this one. I actually got this set for my Dad's birthday, he really wanted the Pirate Kraken beyblade that is included in this set, because of the color this particular beyblade. It is this amazing bright blue color hat really stands out. The Pirate Kraken that comes in a single set does not have the same coloring. This was the main reason why I got this set. I already had the Pirate Orochi, but its really worn out and the face bolt sticker is almost gone, so its actually nice to have a brand new one.

Make sure you check out my YouTube video of the unboxing below to see all the details and how they look and spin in real life.

My favorite part about the Shogun Steel series of beyblades is that you can make Synchrome beyblades out of them. If you don't know what that means, its when you put two Warrior (metal) wheels together make one really heavy beyblade that can pretty much beat anything. What I've found out is that the heavier the beyblade the better chance it has to win a battle. Here is what they say on the box "CUSTOMIZE! With Synchrome Technology by combining 2 warrior wheels from different tops for a heavier top with double metal power."

To be honest, these beyblades on their own are not too strong, especially Pirate Kraken, due to its very tall Spin Track A230. The other two beys are great, I really like Guardian Leviathan. Its a nice mix of beyblades and at Target its $5 cheaper than Toys'R'Us, I think we got it for $25.99 which is not bad for three beyblades. The set does come with two launchers and one tool.

Hope that this was helpful for you guys,

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Beyblade Metal Masters Nintendo DS VideoGame Unboxing, exclusive Nile Beyblade Top Vulcan Horuseus 145 D included!

Although this is my second Beyblade video game, it is my first that came with an actual beyblade. This is not just another plastic cheap version, this is a true Metal Masters beyblade and a cool one for that matter.

This video game set is exclusive to Toys'R'Us and what I love out it is that unlike other Hasbro beybaldes this one came with stickers. I did want to make sure that it was a legitimate Hasbro beyblade, just to make sure and it does list Hasbro as a company on the box, so it's the real deal!!! I was so excited to see this in my Easter basket this year.

The colors on Vulcan are amazing, the black metal wheel and the gold with silver stripes plastic wheel and the golden colors of the spin track and the tip make this beyblade very unique looking. Plus the shape of the whole beyblade is very unique, which I love, something different. That's the cool thing about beyblades is that they all have their own special look to them, this one just happens to have a plastic wheel that's not completely round.

I definitely recommend this beyblade game over the Beyblade Evolution one. The main difference for me is that you actually battle in this game, whereas in the Evolution game you just rip the bey and that's it, just hope for the best, in this game you actually move the beyblade wherever you want it to go and you have SPECIAL MOVES!!!! What!!!! How awesome is that. Just like in the Beyblade show, this game has special moves. I couldn't believe it at first, but it is true and really, really fun. It also has boss battles that are a little bit more difficult, but definitely beatable.

If you can, make sure you go out there and buy this game, trust me, its great and this is not a sponsored blog, so you know that this is my true and honest opinion. I literally cannot wait to wake up every morning to play this game.

Thanks so much for reading, make sure you check out the YouTube video above to see how this all goes down.


Vulcan Horuseus VS Hades Gil double Beyblade Unboxing, by Hasbro!

I'm back with another beyblade unboxing!!!! This time it is the Beyblade Metal Fury double beyblades set Mystic Zone, which includes Vulcan Horuseus and Hades Gil.

The cool thing about these two beyblades is that they have the best colors, Horuseus is amazing blue and silver and Gil is yellow and red. You can check out my YouTube video below to see the details and watch them battle.

If you've followed me on my blog and YouTube you'll know that this series is one of my favorites as you can really see the colors of the beyblades. I love the shape of Hosuseus as its clear plastic wheel has a different shape to it and the blue color really stands out.

If you are beyblade collector like me, I would recommend to get this set, since its pretty rare to find and they do battle pretty well together, I don't know if I would recommend this set as a starter for somebody, but only because there are much better beyblades out there. I definitely have my favorites, but I'm always up for trying new beyblades and combinations to see there there is something even better out there, you never really know until you try them out, right. Or of course check out my videos and blog to see if you like what you see and then make your own decision on what you saw.

Details of the beyblades:

Vulcan Horuseus - Defense BB-P01A

Face Bolt - ?

Energy Ring - Horuseus

* * * * * * *    

Fusion Wheel - Vulcan

* * * * * * *

Spin Track - 145 (High-Profile Track)

* * 

Performance Tip - D (Tough Defense Tip Can Withstand Attacks)

                                                               * * * * * * * 


Hades Gil - Attack B-128

Face Bolt - ?

Energy Ring - Gil

* * * * * * *

Fusion Wheel - Hades

* * * * * * * 

Spin Track - 100 (Low Profile Track)

* *

Performance Tip - R2F (Right Rubber Flat For Increased Gripping Power)

                                                              * * * * * *

 * Attack, * Defense, * Stamina

Thanks for reading.


Ray Striker and Rock Zurafa Beyblade 2-pack Top Keychains Unboxing!!!

Hey guys, I'm back with another unboxing post and review. I happened to come across this set purely by accident, I was at Rite Aid looking for some Power Rangers Mega Bloks and saw they they had two of these boxes left and I just had to get it as I've never seen these at the stores here and they go for a pretty hefty price online. And I have to admit I was curious to see if these beyblades really worked as regular beys. So here I go.

First of all, they are really cute, don't you think, they are about half the size as a regular beyblade if not even smaller, but they are just the same great quality and made out of metal and not plastic as you might think. Unfortunately you cannot take these beyblades apart, I don't really even know if that would be enjoyable as the parts would be too small to handle.

In the package you get everything you need for a battle, two beyblades, Ray Striker and Rock Zurafa in this case, however there is another set mentioned on the box with Galaxy Pegasus and Grand Cetus, they didn't have this one. Then you get two keychain launchers and two rip cords. No tools, obviously as you cannot take them apart. The cool part about them is that you can just hook the beyblades to the launcher and use it as a key chain or hook it to your backpack or wherever, the beys really stay on there nice.

Check out my YouTube video below to see how they look in action. I did find that you had to rip the beyblades straight down into the stadium and that they worked better with a bigger flat bottom stadium then the Cyclone one we originally tried them in. You'll see in the video that it took us a couple of tries to get it right. With that said though, these beyblades actually work awesome, I couldn't believe it, we did a couple of VS battles with regular beyblades and had the miniature key chain versions win!

I definitely recommend them, if you can get your hands on them. They are really cute and fun to play with, plus all your friends would be so jealous when you bring your bag to school with beyblades handing from it.

Thanks so much for reading my blog and checking out my videos. Please make sure you sign up for e-mail notifications and for my YouTube channel.

Until next time,
