Saturday, April 19, 2014

Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD Unboxing by Takara Tomy!

Welcome back to another unboxing!!!

This time it is the Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD! Like I said in the title this is the Takara Tomy version, I was lucky enough to get this straight from Japan. A lot of Japanese beyblades do not come with the launcher, just as this one was in the smaller size box and all you get in it is the beyblade itself and stickers. I find it easier to apply the stickers before you put the beyblade together, that way the face bolt and the clear wheel do not get in the way.

Shinobi is in the Zero G series and a balance type beyblade and spins just like any other balance bey, very steady and strong, not much movement. Please click on the YouTube video below to watch it spin if you want to get the true feel of it.

This beyblade has a metal face bolt that does not have a symbol on it. You do have to place the face bolt sticker on it yourself, but they do stick on very well and after many, many battles it has not yet to even start peeling. 

I don't think there is anything special about the way this particular beyblade spins in battle, so if you already have a balance bey or the equivalent of this beyblade by Hasbro, I don't really think its necessary to buy this one as well, unless you are a collector like me.

Shinobi Saramanda's details:

Metal Stone Face - Saramanda

Chromium Wheel - Saramanda

Crystal Wheel - Shinobi

Track - SW145, Switch

Bottom - SD, Semi Defense

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