Tuesday, April 22, 2014

L-Drago Destroy Remote Control Beyblade Unboxing and Review! By Takara Tomy.

Here I have another remote control beyblade, this time I have the L-Drago Destroy, if you want to read and see a video of remote control Pegasus, make sure you check out my other blog posts. These are my only two beyblades that are controlled by a remote control.

The bey itself is made out of plastic, but unlike the stealth battlers, that won't last long, the nice thing about this beyblade is that you can just make it go for as long as you like. The downside to it is that you can let it go as long as you like. That's right, its both a good and a bad thing. You can just keep going and you'll always win, when you are battling against a regular beyblade or nobody ever wins if you are battling two agains each other.

The beyblade itself has a button to turn it on and off with and then there is another switch for A or B, this one you need to match up with the controller, there is switch just like it on the controller as well. That tells you which beyblade you are controlling, the controllers/launchers are not specific to a beyblade. So when you are battling two remote control beyblades you need to make sure that one is set to an "A" and the other to a "B", that way you are each controlling your own beyblades.

There are three controls on the remote, one to turn left, one to turn right and a turbo button. The left and the right buttons will keep spinning the beyblade even after it has ran out of stamina or if you just wish to switch the direction you are spinning in. The turbo button as you might have already guessed is to give your beyblade a little boost and make it go faster.

To be honest, I cannot tell a difference in this remote control L-Drago and the remote control Big Bang Pegasus, to me they are exactly the same, check out the YouTube video below to see for yourself.

At the end of they day as much as it saddens me to say this, I really don't recommend this beyblade. I had a hard time to even get the remote to recognize the beyblades and for me it just took the fun out of them, as you can keep going until the batteries run out or stop any other beyblade out there. Its kind of cool to have something different, but I wouldn't run out there to buy it. And they were on a huge discount when I got them in Japan, not sure if I would have gotten them otherwise.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hybrid Wheel Set Unboxing by Takara Tomy! Thermal Pisces, Rock Aries and Flame Libra beyblades!

This is a really cool set, I love it so much. This set is by Takara Tomy and is from Japan, you can probably find this on ebay or other online stores. This is what you get when you buy the Hybrid Wheel Set. It comes with Thermal Pisces T125ES, Rock Aries 145D and the Flame Libra DF145BS.

What's interesting about this set is that all three face bolts are tattooed on, however the stickers that they come with have a sticker for the face bolt as well, two of them in fact. I like to put one on the launchers that they usually come with.

This set comes with one launcher and its a STRING launcher!!!! I was so excited to see that, I've found that not very many of them have a string launcher, now that only thing about it is that if you pull full force and then just let it go, it WILL smack your fingers or your hand and it HURTS!!! You have to get used to it for sure.

I do love these hybrid Wheel sets as the clear plastic wheel sits on top of the Metal Wheel, which makes it much more visible. The track, the bottom and the tools on all of the three beyblades are translucent, pretty cool, huh?

Thermal Pisces T125ES is a stamina beyblade.
Face - Pisces
Clear Wheel - Pisces
Metal Wheel - Thermal
Track - T125
Bottom - ES

Rock Aries 145D is a defense beyblade.
Face - Aries
Clear Wheel - Aries
Metal Wheel - Rock
Track - 145
Bottom - D

Flame Libra DF145BS is a stamina beyblade.
Face - Libra
Clear Wheel - Libra
Metal Wheel - Flame
Track - DF145
Bottom - BS

All of these beyblades are interchangeable, like most beyblades are within each series, there a lots of examples on the box of how to mix and match all three.

I do really recommend this set, they are some of my favorite beyblades, I think if I had to pick a favorite of the three, Rock Aries would be it, it has an amazing blueish green clear wheel and the rock ring has always been one of my favorites. They all battle pretty great.

Check out the YouTube video above to see all three in detail and in action!

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Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD Unboxing by Takara Tomy!

Welcome back to another unboxing!!!

This time it is the Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD! Like I said in the title this is the Takara Tomy version, I was lucky enough to get this straight from Japan. A lot of Japanese beyblades do not come with the launcher, just as this one was in the smaller size box and all you get in it is the beyblade itself and stickers. I find it easier to apply the stickers before you put the beyblade together, that way the face bolt and the clear wheel do not get in the way.

Shinobi is in the Zero G series and a balance type beyblade and spins just like any other balance bey, very steady and strong, not much movement. Please click on the YouTube video below to watch it spin if you want to get the true feel of it.

This beyblade has a metal face bolt that does not have a symbol on it. You do have to place the face bolt sticker on it yourself, but they do stick on very well and after many, many battles it has not yet to even start peeling. 

I don't think there is anything special about the way this particular beyblade spins in battle, so if you already have a balance bey or the equivalent of this beyblade by Hasbro, I don't really think its necessary to buy this one as well, unless you are a collector like me.

Shinobi Saramanda's details:

Metal Stone Face - Saramanda

Chromium Wheel - Saramanda

Crystal Wheel - Shinobi

Track - SW145, Switch

Bottom - SD, Semi Defense

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Scythe Kronos T125EDS Unboxing, by Takara Tomy!

This beyblade is one of my favorites to look at. I really love the purple colors and its pretty cool how it comes with two clear wheels. I'm not really sure what its supposed to add to the beyblade, but it makes it unusual which I like.

Make sure you check out my YouTube unboxing video and see how it spins. I tested this beyblade in the Cyclone stadium and it was really interesting how it started out by spinning around like an attach bey, however it is a stamina bey instead. Then all of a sudden it just stopped going round and round and just halted and was spinning so quietly that you had to look closer to make sure it was still spinning. Pretty cool.

This beyblade is in the 4D System Series, I'm not really sure what the Hasbro equivalent was, if you know please comment below and let me know. Here is what they say about it on the box: Different Material, Divided Wheel, Dynamic Drive, Deep Custom. I really wish I could read Japanese so I can understand what all the different mix and match beys say.

This beyblade came with the Light Launcher 2. So far these are my favorite kinds, you can get decent grip on them and the rip cord is flatter and thicker, almost like a BeyWheelz ripper. Seems that you can get a faster spinning rip action with this launcher.

Scythe Kronos T125EDS Details:

Face - ?

4D Clear Wheel - Kronos

4D Extra Clear Wheel - Scythe

4D Metal Wheel - Scythe

Track - T125, Tornado

Bottom - EDS, Eternal Defense Sharp

I would definitely recommend this beyblade, I love the way it looks and spins, if you have a chance get it. It is very comparable to the Hasbro version though, with the exception of the extra Clear Wheel.

Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Archer Gryph C145S Unboxing, by Takara Tomy!

I'm back with another unboxing and review!!!

This time it is ARCHER GRYPH C145S!!! This beyblade is so cool. This is the Takara Tomy version of Hasbro's Archer Griffin. These beys look very similar to each other the spin track is exactly the same, but its very cool with the three blades that rotate around independently. Make sure you check my YouTube video below to see all the details about it.

All the Takara Tomy beyblades that I've gotten so far have come with stickers, same goes for this one as well, I love the bird head detail on the Chromium Wheel.

Archer Gryph is a balance type beyblade, but again you can mix and match it with others to make it stronger or even a double metal beyblade to increase the ability to win. This particular bey is in the Zero G series, which is the equivalent to the Shogun Steel beys that Hasbro makes. Seems like this is the current series in Japan and Hongkong.

Unfortunately, this beybalde does not come with a launcher or a rip cord, but to be honest, I have so many of them and I really did not need another one. I've already stored away a bunch of them, you only need two or three depending how many people are battling. My favorite is one against one, but occasionally its fun to do a three way battle, although I've found that the battles don't last as long. The more beyblades battling agains each other the shorter the battles seem to be.

This was one of the beyblades I had requested to be brought back for me from Japan and I'm glad I got it, I do recommend it, in battles it does pretty well. There are a few beyblades that it cannot beat, but nevertheless its fun to battle with and watch spin.

Archer Gryph details:

Metal Stone Face - Gryph

Chromium Wheel - Gryph

Chrystal Wheel - Archer

Track - C145, High

Bottom - S, Sharp

Hope you enjoyed this unboxing and review.

Thanks for reading,


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!

That's right, you read that correctly, Dark Knight Dragooon is spelled with three "o"'s isn't that weird??? Who knows, I'm just going with what the box says.

This is another one of the Zero G series of beyblades, which again I think is the same as the Shogun Steel series with Hasbro. What I really like about this beyblade is the clear wheel on the bottom, all the other beyblades that I have, have a really pretty colorful wheel, but there is something cool about it being just clear. Too bad on the Zero G series all the crystal wheels are on the bottom side so you cannot really see it very well. Also the bright red of the spin track and the tip and the clear and silver wheels look super cool together.

Dark Knight Dragooon is a left rotating beyblade and it did come with a white Zero G left launcher, I also like the color of this one, since most launchers are black, this is my first white one I've gotten.

As an attack type beyblade, I like to watch this battle agains other right hand sided beys, it makes it for a fun and active battle, as Dragooon just goes crazy and spins the Cyclone stadium all over the place.

I really like this beyblade a lot and would recommend it as it adds fun elements with being a left rotating bey.

Dark Knight Dragooon details:

Stone Face - Dragooon

Chromium Wheel - Dragooon

Crystal Wheel - Dark Knight

Track - LW160, High

Bottom - BSF, Blade Semi Flat

Check out my YouTube video above, please subscribe to my Channel, share with your friends and like my other videos.

Hope you loved this post as much as I loved writing it.


Berserker Begirados SR200BWD Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!!!

I don't even really know how to pronounce this beyblade, but it looks pretty cool with the stickers on and everything, I really love the baby blue color and the hight of the spin track and the tip.

This is in the Zero G and it came with the Zero G Compact Launcher, these are not my favorite, I think I talked about them in another one of my videos, but the problem is that you cannot really get a really good gip on them and sometimes the whole thing just ends up in the stadium, big fail!

This beyblade is a stamina type and stands up better in the Blazing Dojo Beystadium than the Cycolne bey stadium, but nevertheless its really fun to battle with it since it is that tall. It pretty much just stays in the middle of the stadium and lets other beys wear out their stamina.

Here are the bey parts:

Stone Face - Begirados

Chomium Wheel - Begirados

Chrystal Wheel - Berserker

Track - SR200, Super High

Bottom - BWD, Defence

Hope you enjoyed this post and check out my YouTube video above.

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Chase...My... Beyblades

Bandid Goreim DF 145BS Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!!!

Bandid Goreim is the Takara Tomy (Japanese) counterpart to Hasbro's Bandid Golem. In my opinion they are very similar in look, this one obviously comes with stickers like most of the Takara Tomy ones, which is my favorite part. The downside is that some of the stickers are super small and if you don't get them on very well, they do tend to fall off or start peeling.

The series for this beyblade is the Zero G and it is a Defence beyblade, nothing special as far as the spinning goes, holds up pretty well, but there are definitely other beys that will beat this one with no problem.

This beyblade did not come with a launcher or a rip cord. The Face bolt or as they call it on the box the Stone Face is metal with a plastic overlay for the screw part, next is the Chromium Wheel, then the Chrystal Wheel, which is dark green, then the track which is light brownish and a bottom (performance tip) which is the same color as the track.

Our box had two bottoms in it, I'm not sure if this was a mix up at the factory when they packaged it or if it was supposed to come with a spare one, but they were identical, so I'm assuming that it wasn't supposed to come that way. Either way, I'm not complaining, its always nice to have spare parts to mix and match the beys.

Here is the breakdown of Bandid Goreim:

Metal Stone Face - Goreim

Chromium Wheel - Goreim

Crystal Wheel - Bandid

Track - DF145 High

Bottom - BS Ball Sharp

Hope this review was helpful, check out my YouTube channel above to see how this beyblade looks in action. Please subscribe, share and like my videos and blog.


Bigbang Pegasis Super Control Beyblade Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!

This is my very first remote control beyblade Bigbang Pegasis!!!

I was a little skeptical about this bey at first, I wasn't really sure how it would work and how can you really battle it agains other beyblades.

So far, its not my favorite kind of a beyblade, I wouldn't really recommend to buy this beyblade, unless you really want to own one and here is why. First of all, it is really hard to get the beyblade on the launcher, it seems that its some kind of a magnetic pull that holds the bey against the launcher. Secondly, I cannot get it to work 100% of the time, even when I match up the "A" on the launcher to the "A" on the bey, it won't always work. Third, there are three buttons, one to rotate it left, one to rotate it right and one for turbo. You launch the beyblade just like you do any other beyblade with the launcher, however once it looses stamina and stops you can still keep pushing the left for right button and the batteries will keep it going, so this beyblade will technically never loose against a regular beyblade and if you battle it head to head with other super control beyblade they will just keep going until somebody's hand gets tired or the batteries die. So there you go, if you like that sort of things, you will probably love the super control beyblade stets. Me on the other hand, not so much!

Hopefully this was helpful!

Please check out my YouTube video on this bey above and subscribe to my blog and channel.

Thanks for reading!!!


Samurai Pegasis W105R2F Uboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!

Check out this Zero G Samurai Pegasis, that right PegasIs, not PegasUs!!! This is the Japanese version by Takara Tomy. I love how colorful this beyblade is once you put the stickers on it.

This beyblade is definitely an attack bey, check out my YouTube video of this unboxing below and watch it go crazy in my new Cyclone stadium. Its pretty cool, how it just spins around all over the place and makes the stadium rock back and forth.

The Zero G series in Japan is the equivalent to the Shogun Steel series by Hasbro (that's what I was told by the clerk at the store anyway, correct me if I'm wrong though). It did come with the rounder and smaller launcher that has the thicker rip cord, these are hard to hold onto in my opinion and takes some getting used to.

The parts to this Samurai Pegasis are exactly the same as the Hasbro ones, with the exception of the Stone Face (or the face bolt), the Takara Tomy ones are octagon shape, but the Hasbro ones are plus shapes, I don't really prefer one over the other, except I've found that the Hasbro ones have a smaller surface area, therefor the stickers wear off faster, they stay on longer on the Takara Tomy version.

Breakdown of Samurai Pegasis:

Stone Face - Pegasis

Chromium Wheel - Pegasis

Crystal Wheel - Samurai

Track - W105, Low

Bottom - R2F, Rubber Flat

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Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF Unboxing!!! By Takara Tomy!

I already own this beyblade by Hasbro, but was super excited to see that this bey had two metal wheels, the first one is called the Metal Frame and just looks like a circle that fits right on top of the 4D Metal Wheel. The metal frame is interchangeable where you can flip it and make it into a different mode. Its a balance bey if you have the spike side up and if you flip it down it will make it onto an attack beyblade. I love it soooo much. The tip or "bottom" that's what they call the performance tip on the box, is very unusual as well with a plastic covered rubber tip, not the same as Pegasus though. Check out the video below to see the details of this beyblade.

The Launcher that Death Quetzalcoatl came with the Light Launcher 2 (LL2), this bey is from the 4D System.

In the past, the best beyblade that I've had, almost unbeatable has been the Dual Ice Titan, but Death Quetzalcoatl has beaten it almost every time (it does depend on the rip you get), the double metal wheel does help, because it makes it very heavy.

This is one of my top favorite beyblades now, along with Dual Ice Titan, Fantom Orion!!! If you have a chance to get your hands on this beyblade, you have to get it, just have to, it'll be hard for other beyblades to beat this one.

Breakdown of Death Quetzalcoatl:

Face - ?

4D Clear Wheel - Quetzalcoatl

Metal Frame - Death

4D Metal Wheel, the core - Death

Track - Middle

Bottom - Rubber Defense Flat

Hope you enjoyed this blog post!!!!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cyclone Beyblade Stadium Unboxing!!!! By Takara Tomy.

I finally had a chance to get another beyblade stadium. So far I've only had the red Shogun Steel rectangle stadium. The downside to that is that you cannot do any knock outs and the attack beyblades don't really last a long time.

Now for the Cyclone stadium, it is really, really fun. First of all, it has a little bit of both, you get the stamina battles and the chances of a knock outs as well. The balance and the stamina beys rarely get a know out unless you put them against an attack beyblade. If you want a really exciting swirly stadium battle put two attack beys agains each other.

You do have to put this stadium together, it comes in two pieces, the bottom "bowl" part and the top section that stops the bays from flying out. There are three small half moon shape holes in the bottom part of the stadium for knock out opportunities. When you open the box, you need to flip the top of the stadium and attach the two together with the three knobs that it comes with. Super easy, I didn't even need the instructions to figure it out.

This stadium did come with a beyblade, the infamous Zero's Samurai Ifrit!!! I was super excited about that and happy to add yet another Ifrit to my collection. I do love that the Takara Tomy beyblades come with stickers, it makes them even more colorful than they already are.

I hope this was helpful. I really like it since I don't have a knock out stadium yet.

Let me know if the comments below what is your favorite stadium to battle in!!!

Thanks for reading.


P (Poison) Serpent SW145SD Unboxing, by Takara Tomy!!!

My Dad went to Hong Kong and Tokyo last week and brought me back a whole bunch of new Takara Tomy beyblades and a Cyclone Bey Stadium. Check back for ton more posts and unboxings as well as check out all the new YouTube videos I've posted.

This blog post is about the Poison Serpent SW145SD unboxing, if you haven't figured that out yet. This bey had my favorite metal week, its very unusual and cool looking. Since Serpent is a Balance beyblade, it takes forever for it to battle against another balance beyblade.

Takara Tomy calls this beyblade a Hybrid Wheel bey, I haven't seen this from Hasbro before, so not sure if this is a Takara Tomy thing or not, but it looks like all it means is that the colorful plastic wheels sits inside and on top of the metal wheel. This reminds me a lot of the Hasbro Metal Fury beyblades.

This beyblade comes with what they call a Light Launcher, it looks very similar to the Hasbro launchers, however its a little smaller and the ripper is almost twice as long as the Hasbro rippers. This makes it for a faster spinning bey, I'm definitely loving that!!!

I would recommend this beyblade for sure, mostly because it looks so much different than all my other beyblades and the ripper is super cool and long!!! Its hard to come by these beyblades in the United States, but there are ton available online, so check them out, worth to take a look, for sure.

Breakdown of P Serpent:

Face - ?

Clear Wheel - ?

Metal Wheel - ?

Track - SW145

Bottom - SD

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